Monday, April 21, 2014

Meg's First 1km Race

On Sunday April 13th, Meg entered her first 1km running race. It was part of the Cambridge Mill Race, called the "Chipmunk Run". She was both excited and nervous about it after we registered. She even asked me a few times if she could practice on the treadmill.
The morning of the race she woke up early and got her running clothes on right away. I tried to put her hair up in a ponytail for the big run, but she was insistent that a sparkling pink "moon pie" as she calls it, would be far better for running.
We walked to the school by our house where it was starting from and picked up her number and she got her face painted before it started. 
Grandma Kathi, mommy and daddy all ran the race with Meg. She ran almost the entire time, just stopping once to catch her breath. We were very proud of her and she was very proud of herself as well. She got a 'golden' medal at the finish line and wore it proudly to school the next day.

Face painting pre-race

Pre-race pose for the camera

Family shot

Meg with her medal and a big donut, which they were also giving away at the end of the race

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