Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Keeping with the Woody theme from Meg's birthday, Meg HAD to be Woody for Halloween. Thank you to Hayden for his costume! Meg was also quite adamant on what mommy and daddy would dress-up as - daddy = Buzz Lightyear and mommy = Jesse also from Toy Story. Lucky for Nathan I found an adult sized Buzz costume for him. Oh the things we do for our children...
Meg was definitely more into Halloween this year. When she went trick-or-treating she went up to each house without hesitation and kept asking "can I go to another house?" We made it around the block and he ghost bag was full. All in all a great night.

"To infinity and beyond"

Meg trick-or-treating at Grandma & Grandad McLaughlin's house

Jesse, Woody and Buzz

Our little trick-or-treater

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Nathan in the Buzz costume? Classic. Hee :)
    You and Meg look adorable too x
