Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Keeping with the Woody theme from Meg's birthday, Meg HAD to be Woody for Halloween. Thank you to Hayden for his costume! Meg was also quite adamant on what mommy and daddy would dress-up as - daddy = Buzz Lightyear and mommy = Jesse also from Toy Story. Lucky for Nathan I found an adult sized Buzz costume for him. Oh the things we do for our children...
Meg was definitely more into Halloween this year. When she went trick-or-treating she went up to each house without hesitation and kept asking "can I go to another house?" We made it around the block and he ghost bag was full. All in all a great night.

"To infinity and beyond"

Meg trick-or-treating at Grandma & Grandad McLaughlin's house

Jesse, Woody and Buzz

Our little trick-or-treater

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Meg Turns 3!

Our little girl is officially 3 today - very hard to believe! She told me today that now that she is 3 she likes tomatoes, which as a two-year-old she hated. She also told me she is almost an adult now and big like me...very cute. 
She did have a great birthday. It began Saturday with a birthday party at Chudleigh's Apple Farm and today we had a nice family dinner at home. All in all a great 3rd birthday I think! 
Meg got a Woody doll from mommy and daddy on her actual birthday and was in absolute awe when she opened the gift. She LOVES Woody and pretends to be him all the time. Guess what Meg is dressing up as for Halloween :)

Meg's 3rd birthday party at Chudleigh's. It was chilly but the kids didn't notice and were on the go the whole time. It was a lot of fun and Meg slept like a log after! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us.

Meg with her Grandad McLaughlin, Aunt Michelle and her newest cousin, baby Dylan

Uncle Nathan on the slide with our nephews Evan and Nicholas

Wagon ride time - Meg with her reins Claire and Hayden and her cousin Evan

The McLaughlin family on the wagon ride
Meg and Claire hamming it up on the wagon ride

Lanrick with Zoe and Meg

After lunch the kids were ready to escape and get back outside!

Meg, Chloe and Alex could not resist the delicious bunny cake Grandma McLaughlin made. There were many fingers in it before the candles were lit!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Meg's Pre-school Field Trip

Last Friday Meg went on a field trip to a pumpkin patch with her pre-school. Last Friday was also Miriam's last official day as Meg's nanny. It was nice that Miriam was able to go on the field trip with her. They had a fun morning and a great last day together after 2.5 years!
Meg on the school bus on the way to the pumpkin patch

Playing in the barn

Meg with her friends from pre-school

Playing at the pumpkin patch