Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

We hope everyone had a great time ringing in 2011! We spent the week between Christmas and New Year's in Whistler with the Gibson side of the family. Meg spent lots of quality time with her four cousins, all who were eager to teach her new things. While we were away she started saying "Hi!", "ball", "whatz diz", and she tried really hard to say "Maxx" but instead said "Maaa". She is still eagerly trying to walk and took a lot of steps while we were away and found whatever she could to push around and walk behind. Meg also had all four of her molars break through while we were away so it was an eventful Meg week. 
Below are some pictures of our trip:
Grandpa skiing with David, Harper, Maxx and Regan 

Meg loved her Uncle Ty and always wanted "up"

All the cousins together with Grandpa

1 comment:

  1. Meg you are the perfect addition to the family. It was great seeing you and spending so much time with you. We miss having you in BC
    Loads of love from Grandma Row
