Friday, September 2, 2011

Camping with "fwends"

Back in July we had our annual camping trip with the Turner's. This year we went to MacGregor Provincial Park and we had lots of fun. By the end of the weekend Meg was an emotional wreck due to limited sleep but all in all we had a good time and Meg enjoyed spending time with her "fwends". Every time one of us said Kevin's name Meg would say "eight, nine.." She thinks his name is seven.
Below are some pics to share:
She looks so sweet. Hard to believe she was such a handful!

Meg with one of her favorite "fwends" Hayden

Proof that Meg is facinated with putting stickers on her forehead

Fun in the water?

Meg enjoyed spending time with the "baby" MacKinley. They look like brother and sister!

Meg and mommy playing in the dirt. Meg contiuously wanted to run away from the campsite so this was an attempt at keeping her there