Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Fun in the Sun

Maxx, Nathan, Meg and I spent Saturday swimming at Aunt Pam and Uncle Joe's house. Meg said "no" a lot at first when we tried to get her to come in the pool with us, but thankfully Lauren arrived and saved the day! She had her jumping off the side of the pool in no time. Thanks for a fun day!
Maxx, Nathan and Meg enjoying the pool. Meg is camera shy :)
Lauren taking Meg around on her "boat"

Monday, August 15, 2011

BC Fun

We spent 10 days in BC and had a great time. Everyone was very excited to see Meg and spend time with her. She is going through a "transportation phase" right now so a lot of our time was spent on boats, trains and of course in an airplane. She was quite excited! She was also great on the plane both ways which we were both shocked and very happy about. Here are some of the highlights from our trip.
Meg was tired but excited to see her cousins at the airport!

We all took a trip on the sky train and Meg LOVED her first train ride

At the lake by Grandpa Gibby's and Grandma Row's house

Another transportation first for Meg - a paddle boat!

Meg's first ice cream cone. It was love at first bite

We spent a lot of time at the park in the Whistler village. This slide was a Meg favorite

Meg gave herself a yogurt face mask during breakfast one morning

Meg taking a break from the splash park in Whistler to pose on a rock. What you can't see is her grandpa is sitting on the rock beside her. She loves to copy him!

Enjoying the splash park with Grandpa

Another transportation first - an ATV, the didn't go anywhere though