Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trampoline Fun

Meg had loads of fun on the trampoline at her Aunt Michelle and Uncle Luke's house on the weekend. She hasn't quite mastered the jumping part but had fun on her own and with her cousin Evan nonetheless.
Thank you grandad McLaughlin for the video!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Meg worked really hard on her Father's Day gift this year and her daddy loved it. Well done Meg! Happy Father's day!
Miriam helped by taking hand and foot prints of Meg, then Meg added
her artistic coloring when the paint dried. She had a lot of fun making it!

Ta-da! The finished masterpieces

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Meg Learning to Drive

Meg got a car from a garage sale a few weeks ago and she loves it. We have a really hard time getting her out of it!
Here is a link to a video of her enjoying her new wheels.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Shoes, shoes, shoes

Meg went on her first official shoe shopping trip with me and grandma Row while they were visiting from Vancouver. The poor thing had no shoes left that fit her and was wearing slippers around town for weeks. She definitely had strong opinions about what shoes she was interested in. There were pairs she wouldn't even let me put on her feet. When she saw the pink sparkles on one pair and the lights on another she said "Yes, yes!" so you can imagine which pairs we came home with. Below is our shopping trip in pictures...
Getting her foot measured for the first time

Trying on all the options...

Decisions, decisions...

...and the winners were - sandals with a "flowa" on them, the pink sparkles (who could resist) and the princess running shoes with "lights"!