My very smart sister-in-law Michelle suggested Nathan and I start a blog to share updates on what Meg is up to. With busy lives and family/friends far way I thought about it and agreed this was a good idea. So not only is this my first blog post on Meg's site but it is also my very first blog post period. So bear with me as I figure this out :)
Meg will be turning 1 on Saturday and it is so hard to believe. It really is amazing how much she has changed in her first year. As I write this she is sound asleep in her crib clinging to her stuffed bunny who has become her best friend. She went from being this little peanut who looked lost in her crib when we put her to bed to chewing on the crib now when she wants out. A mere 10 months ago we were terrified to put her to bed with anything but her in the crib and yesterday she reached out of the crib and pulled a book in to to look at when she woke up from a nap. She has eight teeth and a big smile to show them off. Laughing used to be a thing we got the video camera out for and now she laughs all the time. She crawls, eats veggie burgers, is really trying to walk unassisted and amazes her mom and dad in some way each and every day.
Time goes by so fast. This will be our way of capturing it and sharing it with you. We hope you enjoy the updates and don't worry, we promise not to overdo it :)
Lindsay & Nathan